A moment to understand argmax() function

2 minute read

I was kind of briefly stuck into this function when checking the accuracy of the model predictions. At first it does not really make sense but it is quite straight forward to get this. This is a short post on understanding what argmax() is doing and why we need it.

Some examples

Given an array the function is simply returning the maximum values along an axis. Let’s see some examples.

Note: argmax() returns the position of the maximum value and not the max value. The function max() returns the maximum value.

a = np.matrix([[1,2,3,5],[4,50,6,7],[45,8,9,10]])
matrix([[ 1,  2,  3,  5],
        [ 4, 50,  6,  7],
        [45,  8,  9, 10]])

Finding the max across the rows and columns.

np.argmax(a) # highest index from the whole matrix
np.argmax(a[0,]) # index of the maximum in the first row
np.argmax(a[:,1]) # index of the maximum in the second column

The parameter axis=0/1 allows to return maximum along a row or a column. Let’s see here.

colmax = np.argmax(a, axis = 0) # max across the column

matrix([[2, 1, 2, 2]], dtype=int64)
rowmax = np.argmax(a, axis = 1) # max across the rows

        [0]], dtype=int64)

How is argmax() helping in computing final predicted labels?

Recall that the Softmax classifier provides “probabilities” for each class.

For example, given an image the classifier gives us scores the classes “cat” and “dog” . The softmax classifier can compute the probabilities of the these class labels as say [0.9, 0.1], which allows us to interpret its confidence in each class. The argmax() is here useful to figure out the maximum of each predicted vector and output the index of the class.

Here is an example. I am using some dummy variables to illustrate this. Say i have some test labels which looks like this.


  0       1
1.000	0.000 # 0
0.000	1.000 # 1
1.000	0.000 # 2
1.000	0.000 # 3
1.000	0.000 # 4
0.000	1.000 # 5

A score of 1 in the first example indicates that the label is of Class 0, Second label as Class 1 and so on. So that argmax() of the first example should give us the label Class 0 and so on.

Similarly for the predicted class as below.

# predictions from the network

 0 	      1
2.104	-2.306 # 0
0.025	-1.044 # 1
1.362	-1.862 # 2
0.117	-2.317 # 3
1.306	-2.373 # 4
-3.995	1.546  # 5

The first 5 examples are predicted as Class 0 and the last one as Class 1.


> array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])

This now gives an easily interpretable results from probabilities to the class labels.

A confusion matrix between the true and the predicted classes can now be easily drawn.

confusion_matrix(np.argmax(test_y,1), np.argmax(Predictions,1))